It gives us a really warm feeling to see the Q-Con community grow, run their own events, and generate their own content ...we want to help where we can, so please join the Q-Con Public Facebook Group to share with everyone.
...but (the serious bit) we would ask the community to please make it clear if your events and content aren't affiliated or endorsed officially by Q-Con, both in their descriptions and graphics.
We do encourage community events and content... we certainly don't want to stand in their way, but we need to be sure that they make it clear we're not officially affiliated, for legal reasons.
If you're unsure about whether an event is official, Q-Con will always post and host official events on our social media and web sites directly.
Honestly, we do want community events and content like this to happen... So here's some specific guidelines, but if you're unsure please tell us:
What You Can Do:
Organise meetups and events for the Q-Con Community, or create Q-Con community Content.
Share them in the Q-Con Public Facebook Group
Use the trademark "Q-Con" in the title ONLY IF the title also includes something to show that it's not official, like "Unofficial", "Fan Organised", "Unaffiliated", "Community Organised", etc.
Use any photos available on the Q-Con social media or web page, ONLY IF they are unedited, AND attribution is maintained (I.e. keep whatever watermarks & metadata are present), AND the source is credited where you use it.
Take your own photos and videos at Q-Con and use them for community content, ONLY IF you are not doing so for commercial reasons, AND you get the permission and legally required release forms signed by any specific individuals whom you are recording (crowds & people in the background are fine... just don't take pictures of specific people without their permission please).
Ask us for guidance or advice about running events / creating content.
Ask us for permission to deviate from these guidelines... we'll help where we can.
Add us to email threads if your channel gets copyright struck for any Q-Con content which is used within the guidelines.
Ask us for official affiliation or support... we'll help where we can, but we usually need things like liability insurance, health & safety assessments, child protection policies, equality & diversity policies, etc. (it can get messy).
What You Can't Do:
Organise meetups and events for the Q-Con Community, or create Q-Con Community Content, which may confuse people into thinking that it's officially sanctioned, supported by, or affiliated with Q-Con.
Use Q-Con content without attribution, included metadata, or in edited formats.